We run towards tomorrow, towards better, we miss our dreamed life, our unlived dreams. Be careful, in this obsessive run towards tomorrow, towards better, not to lose the most important thing that you have: today. The present. Yourself. That’s why I say: be balanced. In your dreams, dream, but be aware, be awaken, don’t get drunk with dreams… Living in the reality is the path towards happiness, otherwise you may be disappointed.
You meet someone, and you start projecting towards that person your dreams, your hopes, your ideals. You are so “in love” that you don’t see the real person, you only see what your eyes (mind) want (needs) to see. And when one day, none of you are able to pretend anymore that you are the person in the other’s dreams, suffering begins. Some suffer for the rest of their lives, not accepting the fact, or not being able or courageous enough to accept, and some of us start again…
It’s just one example… Others dream of conquering Everest and die on its slopes…
So dream, but open eyes,… be realistic, and be here!, in your rush, don’t miss the most important thing: here/now – everything you have. The past has passed, the future – no one knows it, it may never be.