Beware of ideals, beware of setting targets
As many around you will teach, “You can and you must be better, I can teach you how to, so fast!”. In a year, in a month, sometimes in a day, you can lose weight, look 10 years younger, develop your soft skills, become respected, wealthy, envied, etc… And many will start running for that.
- Published in Spirit
Prevention is better
A quote I like about this: “Humans are so weird! All their life they run and sacrifice their health for money, and when they get the money and lose their health, they’d give all the money in the world to regain their health.” Hence, Wellness should not be only about how to get rid of
- Published in Mind
Run, as slow as you can
We run towards tomorrow, towards better, we miss our dreamed life, our unlived dreams. Be careful, in this obsessive run towards tomorrow, towards better, not to lose the most important thing that you have: today. The present. Yourself. That’s why I say: be balanced. In your dreams, dream, but be aware, be awaken, don’t get
- Published in Mind